Rule-Making Process

Proposed WAC Changes

Please note: The WAC chapter 132v revisions on this page have been filed with the Washington State Code Reviser’s Office and are currently under the official rule-making procedures process (RCW 34.05).

Standards of Conduct for Students

Emergency Rules

Effective March 13, 2024, the College made emergency rule changes to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 132v-121 and 132v-130: Code of Student Conduct and Hazing Policy.


The following list has prompted the emergency rule changes which consists of the following: 

  • Title IX – 2020 rule changes imposed significant investigation and hearing procedures, including:
    • Live hearings required
    • Equitable treatment of parties
    • Limits on jurisdiction of Title IX 
  • “Sam’s Law” – Washington’s 2019 anti-hazing legislation
    • TCC’s hazing policy chapter 121-130 WAC
    • Definition of hazing in the student conduct code WAC
  • Washington’s Administrative Procedure Act – adjudicative proceedings
    • Summary suspension proceedings
    • Brief adjudicative proceedings (proceedings used for suspensions of 10 days or less, warnings)
    • Updating definition of non-title IX sexual misconduct
    • Clarifying procedures that must be followed when student code is violated
  • Proposed changes bring TCC’s code into compliance with these laws and are based upon the AAG’s model student conduct code.

To view the text of these emergency rules, see WSR 24-09-002 and WSR 24-09-001 at the Code Reviser’s Office Washington State Office Washington State Register. 


Contact Us

For more information please contact Jason Parker, TCC Conduct Officer, or Natalie Boes, TCC Rules Coordinator.